The Coronavirus Pandemic
Government Displacement Supplementary Income Support Programme for Seafarers
The National Insurance Services will administer the government income displacement programme for Seafarers. Please note the following:
- Who is eligible? Seafarers who were laid off or disembarked from their ship after December 1, 2019 and reside in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
- Registration will only be done online.
- Visit http://registration.nissvg.org/register to access the registration form directly.
- You must upload a scanned copy or clear photo of your seaman’s book ID page or most recent contract letter/disembarkment letter or your passport page with most recent immigration stamp and your passport bio data page. These documents are requirements for the registration process.
- All seafarers who were recipients on the Temporary Unemployment Benefit will be required to reapply for this programme.
- Special attention must be paid to all required/mandatory fields when making the online application/registration.
- Please ensure that your Bank/Credit Union account numbers are accurate before submission. This account must be in your name. This would avoid payment delays.
- The first payment will be made on August 14th, 2020.
For further assistance, please contact the NIS hotline at (784) 456-3010 or WhatsApp (784) 456-1514.